Filed under movies


Over the weekend I saw Coraline with ndoto and syerubi. What an amazing movie! I’m not sure how high I would rate it relative to other movies I’ve seen, but it was a very enjoyable ride. It is similar in concept to Alice in Wonderland, but instead of exploring outside weirdness, this movie takes you on a journey through inner fears and worries. The plot didn’t blow me away, but the movie on the whole was a unique package of characters, environments and music. Highly recommended.

One other thing of note, however, was that the movie is available in 3D at some theaters. Since one of those theaters was nearby, we decided to check it out. I’m glad we did! I had seen some of the technical demos of this type of 3D before, but nothing quite this sophisticated. As others have noted, the 3D isn’t used as a gimmick (unlike some of the movies in the trailers…) but instead adds depth and realism to the movie. The best comparison I can think of is that it is like watching a Broadway show instead of an image projected on a flat screen. Things didn’t pop out towards the audience like commercials so frequently depict — the depth went behind the screen, and it was a stellar effect.

My only complaints are that the glasses got a little annoying 2/3 of the way through the movie, and the lenses sort of dim the vibrancy of the picture. The latter isn’t such a bit deal since the movie is rather dark to begin with. But both things were noticeable, and were a distraction which you wouldn’t get with a normal movie. Having said that, though, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, so if you can see it in 3D, do so.

And failing that — at least try to see Coraline in theaters. It is a larger-than-life tale that suits the (really) big screen.
