Photo-a-Day 2009

Well, it’s over.

All in all, that was a fun experiment. I think if I were to redo it, I would be less strict with the “one photo a day” rule. When you start out, there are a lot of interesting subjects — but about halfway through you start to realize that having a 9-5 desk job isn’t the most conducive environment for creative photography. There are more than a few cases throughout the year where I had to take two or three photos from one day, and spread them out over multiple days.

Having said that, though, it made me more aware of my camera. Things I probably wouldn’t have bothered photographing before suddenly became very important. Above all, that spirit is what I want to take from this project into the future.

A lot of the pictures I took over the year weren’t that special, but there are some I’m particularly fond of. For example, around the same time each month, I took a picture looking out at the same spot from my apartment’s balcony, to show the progression of seasons.

In addition to those, there are some specific photos that I think turned out well. I think I will close out this post, and this project, with that list:

1/1/2009 1/26/2009 1/29/2009
4/6/2009 4/20/2009
12/5/2009 12/6/2009 12/14/2009 12/25/2009


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